Mai Dun series runs through it with simple and clear lines and elegant and appropriate decoration, and her peers with the times have given her more powerful charm.
North American black walnut has beautiful color. It is a very high-quality raw material for making furniture. It has special patterns, clear texture, rich colors and pleasing to the eye. Walnut furniture has not only good molding effect, but also saturated surface luster, rich and full colors. It is the choice of modern office furniture.
北美黑胡桃木颜色漂亮,是制作家具非常优质的原料, 且花纹特殊,纹理清晰色彩丰富, 赏心悦目胡桃木家具不仅成型效果好,而且表面光泽饱和色彩丰富且饱满,是现代办公家具的品味之选。
欧时采用的Standard Fibreboards (标准板)源自未经污染的环保森林区,林区内的伐木量受到严格监控,木粒质量因此而得以保障,整个生产过程皆符合国际FSC认证及环保E-1级标准。